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Plains Cree / nêhiyawêwin

The computational model for analyzing Plains Cree / nêhiyawêwin words and generating the various inflectional paradigms is based on the lexical materials and scientific research in nêhiyawêwin : itwêwina / Cree: Words (Compiled by Arok Wolvengrey. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2001), and described in Modeling the Noun Morphology of Plains Cree (Conor Snoek, Dorothy Thunder, Kaidi Lõo, Antti Arppe, Jordan Lachler, Sjur Moshagen & Trond Trosterud, 2014) and Learning from the Computational Modeling of Plains Cree Verbs (Atticus G. Harrigan, Katherine Schmirler, Antti Arppe, Lene Antonsen, Trond Trosterud & Arok Wolvengrey. Morphology, 2018).

Plains Cree / nêhiyawêwin ↔ English / âkayâsîmowin

The bilingual Dictionary for Plains Cree / nêhiyawêwin and English / âkayâsîmowin is based on the lexical materials in nêhiyawêwin : itwêwina / Cree: Words. (Compiled by Arok Wolvengrey. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2001), in the Maskwacîs Dictionary of Cree Words / Nêhiyaw Pîkiskwêwinisa (Maskwachees Cultural College, Maskwacîs, 2009), and in the Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary / alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan (compiled by Nancy LeClaire and George Cardinal, edited by Earle H. Waugh. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2002).

Spoken Cree — nêhiyaw-pîkiskwêwina

The careful pronunciations of the Cree words by first-language speakers in Maskwacîs, Alberta, have been recorded in the joint project Spoken Dictionary of Maskwacîs Cree – nêhiyaw-pîkiskwêwina maskwacîsihk between then Miyo Wahkohtowin Education, now Maskwacîs Education Schools Commission and the Alberta Language Technology Lab (2014–on-going). The pronunciations of the Cree words have been graciously provided by the individuals from Maskwacîs presented on this page.

Additional Cree recordings are provided by Dr. Jean Okimâsis, a Cree speaker and scholar from Moswacîhk, Saskatchewan. The core of these recordings was collected for the Workbook for her seminal Cree textbook, Cree: language of the plains / nêhiyawêwin: paskwâw-pîkiskwêwin

. More recordings of Dr. Okimâsis for paradigms have been collected by Dr. Arok Wolvengrey.

Synthesized Cree word-forms and phrases are generated with a speech synthesizer developed by Atticus Harrigan, Antti Arppe, and Timothy Mills, based on recordings of Dolores Greyeyes Sand, a Cree speaker from Maskêko-sâkahikanihk, Saskatchewan.


itwêwina is an open-source project. You can view the list of the contributors here.

The mîkiwâhp (teepee) logo was created by Tasha Powers.

This project has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, through grants 895-2019-1012, 611-2016-0207, and 890-2013-0047, and it contains contributions from the Canadian Indigenous languages technology project, a part of the National Research Council Canada.

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