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itwêwina is a Plains Cree Dictionary.

Type any Cree word to find its English translation. You can search for short Cree words (e.g., atim) or very long Cree words (e.g., ê-kî-nitawi-kâh-kîmôci-kotiskâwêyâhk). Or you can type an English word and find its possible Cree translations. You can write words in Cree using standard Roman orthography (SRO) (e.g., acimosis) or using syllabics (e.g., ᐊᒋᒧᓯᐢ).

itwêwina was made by the Alberta Language Technology Lab (ALTLab), in collaboration with the First Nations University and Maskwacîs Education Schools Commission (MESC). The dictionary entries are courtesy of Prof. Arok Wolvengrey, MESC, and Prof. emeritus Earle Waugh.

The spoken Cree word recordings are courtesy of speakers in Maskwacîs and Moswacîhk. The synthesized word-forms are based on recordings of a speaker from Maskêko-sâkahikanihk.