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  1. acimosis

    linguistic breakdown
    NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
    1. pup, puppy CW
    2. small dog CW
    3. a pup or a puppy AECD
    4. a newborn dog AECD
    1. acimosis

      linguistic breakdown
      1. a little dog 🤖AECD 🤖CW 🤖MD
      2. a little horse 🤖CW
      3. a little beast of burden 🤖CW

        form of atim


        NA-3 🧑🏽   like: masinahikanāhtik(w), askihk(w)   📖
        1. dog CW AECD MD
        2. horse CW
        3. beast of burden CW
      1. acimos

        linguistic breakdown
        1. a little dog 🤖AECD 🤖CW 🤖MD
        2. a little horse 🤖CW
        3. a little beast of burden 🤖CW

          form of atim


          NA-3 🧑🏽   like: masinahikanāhtik(w), askihk(w)   📖
          1. dog CW AECD MD
          2. horse CW
          3. beast of burden CW
        1. misacimosis

          linguistic breakdown
          NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
          1. little horse, pony, foal, colt CW
          1. miscacimosis

            linguistic breakdown
            NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
            1. pony, colt CW
            2. little horse CW
            3. a colt AECD
            1. sôsowacimosis

              linguistic breakdown
              NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
              1. young mule, young donkey CW
              2. A young mule or donkey. MD
              1. NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
                1. prairie dog CW