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  1. atim

    linguistic breakdown
    NA-3 🧑🏽   like: masinahikanāhtik(w), askihk(w)   📖
    1. dog CW AECD MD
    2. horse CW
    3. beast of burden CW
    1. atim

      linguistic breakdown
      1. (you) catch up to him/her now, (you) overtake him/her now 🤖CW
      2. Someone caught up to him/her now. now 🤖MD
      3. (you) caught up with him/her now. now 🤖MD

        form of atimêw


        VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
        1. s/he catches up to s.o., s/he overtakes s.o. CW
        2. Someone caught up to them. MD
        3. He caught up with him. MD
      1. nikâwîs

        linguistic breakdown
        NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
        1. my aunt, my parallel aunt CW
        2. my mother's sister, my father's brother's wife CW
        3. my stepmother CW AECD
        4. my godmother CW
        5. "my dear mother" CW
        6. My aunt. MD
        1. osikosimâw

          linguistic breakdown
          NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
          1. mother-in-law CW AECD
          2. paternal aunt, wife of maternal uncle CW
          3. a paternal aunt AECD
          1. NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
            1. my uncle, my cross-uncle CW
            2. my mother's brother, my maternal uncle CW
            3. my father's sister's husband CW
            4. my father-in-law CW AECD MD
            5. My uncle (My mother's brother). MD
            6. my mother's brother or my maternal uncle AECD
            1. osisimâw

              linguistic breakdown
              NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
              1. father-in-law CW AECD MD
              2. maternal uncle, husband of paternal aunt CW
              1. nimâmâ

                linguistic breakdown
                NDA-x 👤🧑🏽    📖
                1. my mom, my mother CW
                2. my mother. Var. nikâwiy AECD
                1. nikâwiy

                  linguistic breakdown
                  NDA-2 👤🧑🏽   like: mitihtikosiy, maskasiy   📖
                  1. my mother CW MD
                  2. my mother's sister CW
                  3. my mother. Var. nimâmâ AECD
                  1. N   Naming word
                    1. His mother. MD
                    1. okâwîmâw

                      linguistic breakdown
                      NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                      1. mother CW AECD
                      1. okâwîmâw

                        linguistic breakdown
                        1. She is the mother. MD
                        1. nisikos

                          linguistic breakdown
                          NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                          1. my aunt, my cross-aunt CW
                          2. my father's sister, my paternal aunt CW
                          3. my mother's brother's wife CW
                          4. my mother-in-law CW MD
                          5. My aunt (my father's sister). MD
                          6. my father's sister or my paternal aunt AECD
                          7. my mother-i AECD
                          1. omisimâw

                            linguistic breakdown
                            NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                            1. eldest sister, oldest sister CW
                            2. The oldest daughter MD
                            3. The oldest sister. MD
                            4. the eldest sister AECD
                            1. nôniw

                              linguistic breakdown
                              VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                              1. s/he is nursing, s/he is breastfeeding, s/he sucks at the breast, s/he suckles CW
                              2. He breastfeeds from the mother. MD
                              3. s/he suckles AECD
                              1. nikosim

                                linguistic breakdown
                                NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                1. my nephew CW
                                2. [male speaker:] my brother's son CW
                                3. husband of my sister's daughter CW
                                4. [female speaker:] my sister's son, husband of my brother's daughter CW
                                1. nitôsim

                                  linguistic breakdown
                                  NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                  1. [male speaker:] my brother's son CW
                                  2. husband of my sister's daughter CW
                                  1. nikâwîpan

                                    linguistic breakdown
                                    NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                    1. my deceased mother, my late mother CW
                                    1. nistim

                                      linguistic breakdown
                                      NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                      1. my niece, my cross-niece CW
                                      2. my daughter-in-law CW MD
                                      3. [male speaker:] my sister's daughter CW
                                      4. [female speaker:] my brother's daughter CW
                                      5. My niece. MD
                                      6. my daughter-in-law or my sister's daughter AECD
                                      7. men say "my sister's daughter" AECD
                                      8. women say "my brother's daughter" AECD
                                      1. nitânis

                                        linguistic breakdown
                                        NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                        1. [female speaker:] my sister's daughter CW
                                        1. nôhcâwîs

                                          linguistic breakdown
                                          NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                          1. my uncle, my parallel uncle CW
                                          2. my father's brother, my paternal uncle CW
                                          3. my mother's sister's husband CW
                                          4. my stepfather CW
                                          5. my godfather CW
                                          6. my "dear father" CW
                                          7. My uncle. MD
                                          8. my father's brother or my paternal uncle. Var. nôhkomis, nipâpâsis AECD
                                          1. nôhêw

                                            linguistic breakdown
                                            VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                                            1. she suckles s.o., she nurses s.o., she breastfeeds s.o. CW
                                            2. she allows s.o. to suck CW
                                            3. She breastfeeds him. AECD MD
                                            4. she nurses her/him AECD
                                            1. nikosis

                                              linguistic breakdown
                                              NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                              1. my son CW AECD MD
                                              2. my parallel nephew CW
                                              3. [male speaker:] my brother's son CW
                                              4. [female speaker:] my sister's son CW
                                              5. men say "my brother's son". Var. nitôsim AECD
                                              1. N   Naming word
                                                1. My nephew MD
                                                2. My sister's son (from a male point of view) or MD
                                                3. My brother's son (from a female point of view). MD
                                                1. nitihkwatim

                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                  NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                                  1. [male speaker:] my sister's son CW
                                                  1. nitôsim

                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                    NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                                    1. [female speaker:] my sister's son CW
                                                    2. husband of my brother's daughter CW
                                                    1. NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                                      1. my aunt, my maternal aunt, my mother's sister CW
                                                      2. my paternal uncle's wife CW
                                                      3. my mother's sister or my maternal aunt AECD
                                                      1. osisimâwiw

                                                        linguistic breakdown
                                                        VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                        1. he is a father-in-law CW AECD
                                                        2. he is a maternal uncle, he is the husband of a paternal aunt CW
                                                        1. otahkonâwasow

                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                          NA-2 🧑🏽   like: kihc-ôkiniy, ayapiy   📖
                                                          1. one who carries a child CW
                                                          2. a nursing mother CW
                                                          1. Pro  
                                                            1. Your mother. MD
                                                            1. NDA-2 👤🧑🏽   like: mitihtikosiy, maskasiy   📖
                                                              1. mother! CW
                                                              1. Pro  
                                                                1. My mother (in direct audience). MD
                                                                1. NDA-2 👤🧑🏽   like: mitihtikosiy, maskasiy
                                                                  1. mother! CW
                                                                  1. omisimâwiw

                                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                                    VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                    1. s/he is the oldest girl in the family, s/he is the eldest sister CW
                                                                    2. She is the oldest daughter. MD
                                                                    3. she is the eldest sister AECD
                                                                    1. okimâwiwin

                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                      NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                      1. chieftaincy CW
                                                                      2. social status CW
                                                                      3. government CW
                                                                      4. the act of being boss AECD
                                                                      5. government worker AECD
                                                                      1. INM   like: otôskwanihk   📖
                                                                        1. Girlie CW
                                                                        2. maternal aunt of Mary Louise Rockthunder [personal name] CW
                                                                        1. nôhkomis

                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                          NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                                                          1. my uncle, my parallel uncle CW
                                                                          2. my father's brother, my patenal uncle CW
                                                                          3. my mother's sister's husband CW
                                                                          4. my father's brother or my paternal uncle, Var. nipâpâsis, nôhcâwîs AECD
                                                                          5. my stepfather (Northern) AECD
                                                                          1. nôhâwasow

                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                            VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                            1. she suckles her child, she nurses her children, s/he breastfeeds her child CW
                                                                            2. it suckles the young one of its species CW
                                                                            3. She breastfeeds her child. MD
                                                                            4. she breastfeeds AECD
                                                                            5. she nurses AECD
                                                                            1. okâwîsiw

                                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                                              VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                              1. s/he has (s.o. as) a maternal aunt CW
                                                                              1. okimâhkâniwiwin

                                                                                linguistic breakdown
                                                                                NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                                1. chieftaincy, being a chief CW
                                                                                2. the act of being a chief AECD
                                                                                3. a chieftainship AECD
                                                                                1. omisimâs

                                                                                  linguistic breakdown
                                                                                  NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
                                                                                  1. eldest sister, the oldest sister CW
                                                                                  2. eldest little sister CW
                                                                                  1. wâpiscânis

                                                                                    linguistic breakdown
                                                                                    NA-1 🧑🏽   like: pahkwêsikan, asikan   📖
                                                                                    1. young marten, baby marten CW
                                                                                    1. ocawâsimisiw

                                                                                      linguistic breakdown
                                                                                      VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                      1. s/he has a child, s/he has (s.o. as) a child CW
                                                                                      2. she is the mother of a child CW
                                                                                      3. she gives birth, she is delivered CW
                                                                                      4. it has offspring CW
                                                                                      5. it has a calf (as a cow), it calves CW
                                                                                      1. NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                                                                                        1. old woman's hut CW
                                                                                        1. nicihkwacim

                                                                                          linguistic breakdown
                                                                                          NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
                                                                                          1. [male speaker:] my sister's son CW
                                                                                          1. kîwâtinamâw

                                                                                            linguistic breakdown
                                                                                            VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                            1. s/he keeps an orphaned child, s/he keeps (him/her/them) as orphans CW
                                                                                            1. opêpîmiw

                                                                                              linguistic breakdown
                                                                                              VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                                                                              1. s/he has (s.o. as) a baby, s/he has (s.o. as) an infant CW
                                                                                              2. s/he gives birth, s/he delivers CW
                                                                                              3. s/he is the mother of an infant CW
                                                                                              1. N   Naming word
                                                                                                1. My family member. MD
                                                                                                2. A blood relation MD
                                                                                                3. Brother or sister. MD
                                                                                                4. A brother MD
                                                                                                5. A sister. MD
                                                                                                6. His blood relatives. MD