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  1. nîpit

    linguistic breakdown
    1. my tooth 🤖AECD 🤖CW
    2. my tooth. 🤖MD
    3. my tooth CW MD

      form of mîpit


      NDI-1 👤💧   like: mitêh (-têh-), mîpit (-îpit-)   📖
      1. tooth CW AECD
      2. The tooth. MD
    1. nîpitê

      linguistic breakdown
      IPC ⚡️   like: anohc
      1. all in a row CW MD
      1. nêpit

        linguistic breakdown
          1. Initial Change
            preverb breakdown

          form of nipiw


          VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
          1. s/he dies CW MD
          2. s/he is dead CW
          3. s/he died or s/he is dead. (Plains). alt. naspicinipiw (Northern), pônipimâtisiw (Plains) AECD
        1. nêpiyit

          linguistic breakdown
            1. Initial Change
              preverb breakdown

            form of nipiw


            VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
            1. s/he dies CW MD
            2. s/he is dead CW
            3. s/he died or s/he is dead. (Plains). alt. naspicinipiw (Northern), pônipimâtisiw (Plains) AECD
          1. nîpitêhêw

            linguistic breakdown
            VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
            1. s/he puts s.o. in a row, s/he places s.o. in a row, s/he places s.o. abreast, s/he places s.o. in a line CW
            2. He puts them in a row. MD
            3. s/he places them up all in a row AECD
            1. nîpitêhtêw

              linguistic breakdown
              VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
              1. s/he walks abreast CW
              2. [plural:] they walk in a row CW
              1. nîpitêhtin

                linguistic breakdown
                VII-2n 💧➡️   like: miywâsin   📖
                1. it fits in a line, it fits in a groove CW
                2. it fits in the groove AECD
                1. nîpitêstâw

                  linguistic breakdown
                  VTI-2 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: kisihtâw   📖
                  1. s/he puts s.t. in a row CW
                  2. He put it in a row. MD
                  3. s/he places something all in a row AECD
                  1. nîpitêhiwêw

                    linguistic breakdown
                    VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                    1. s/he puts people in a row, s/he places people in a row, s/he places people abreast, s/he places people in a line CW
                    2. s/he places people in a row AECD
                    1. nîpitihkâna

                      linguistic breakdown
                      NDI-1 👤💧   like: mitêh (-têh-), mîpit (-îpit-)   📖
                      1. my false teeth, my dentures CW
                      2. Your dentures. MD
                      1. nîpitêkotâw

                        linguistic breakdown
                        VTI-2 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: kisihtâw   📖
                        1. s/he hangs s.t. up in a row, s/he hangs s.t. up in a line CW
                        1. nîpitêpiwak

                          linguistic breakdown
                          VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                          1. they sit in a row, they sit abreast CW
                          2. They sit in a row. MD
                          1. nîpitêsimêw

                            linguistic breakdown
                            VTA-1 🧑🏽➡️🧑🏽   like: wîcihêw   📖
                            1. s/he lays s.o. in a line, s/he lays s.o. in a row CW
                            2. s/he lays them all in a row AECD
                            1. nîpitêstêwa

                              linguistic breakdown
                              VII-2v 💧➡️   like: mihkwâw   📖
                              1. they are in a row CW
                              2. It is in a row. MD
                              1. nîpitêscikêw

                                linguistic breakdown
                                VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                1. s/he puts things in a row CW
                                2. s/he places things all in a row AECD
                                1. nîpitêsinwak

                                  linguistic breakdown
                                  VAI-2 🧑🏽➡️   like: pimisin   📖
                                  1. they lie in a line CW
                                  1. nîpitêsinaham

                                    linguistic breakdown
                                    VTI-1 🧑🏽➡️💧   like: nâtam   📖
                                    1. s/he writes s.t. down in a row CW
                                    1. nîpitêsimiwêw

                                      linguistic breakdown
                                      VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw   📖
                                      1. s/he lays people in a line, s/he lays people in a row CW
                                      2. s/he lays people all in a row AECD