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  1. nitâs

    linguistic breakdown
    1. my pair of pants, my trousers 🤖CW
    2. my leggings 🤖CW
    3. my pair of pants, trousers CW

      form of mitâs


      NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
      1. pair of pants, trousers CW
      2. leggings CW
    1. nitâs

      linguistic breakdown
      1. my legging, my gaiter 🤖CW
      2. my legging, my gaiter CW

        form of mitâs


        NDI-1 👤💧   like: mitêh (-têh-), mîpit (-îpit-)   📖
        1. legging, gaiter CW
      1. V  
        1. I trap him. MD
        1. V  
          1. I am trapped. MD
          1. NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
            1. my pail, my kettle CW
            1. NDA-1 👤🧑🏽   like: mitâs (-tâs-), mohpan (-ohpan-)   📖
              1. [slang:] my vagina CW
              1. mâsiskânitâs

                linguistic breakdown
                NI-1 💧   like: cîmân, astotin   📖
                1. bib overalls CW
                1. NDI-1 👤💧   like: mitêh (-têh-), mîpit (-îpit-)   📖
                  1. calf of my leg CW
                  2. my ligament CW