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VAI-1 🧑🏽➡️   like: nipâw

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  1. she suckles her child, she nurses her children, s/he breastfeeds her child CW
  2. it suckles the young one of its species CW
  3. She breastfeeds her child. MD
  4. she breastfeeds AECD
  5. she nurses AECD
ni-/ki- word
I ninôhâwason
you (one) kinôhâwason
s/he nôhâwasow
we (but not you) ninôhâwasonân
you and we kinôhâwasonânaw
you (all) kinôhâwasonâwâw
they nôhâwasowak
another/others nôhâwasoyiwa
people nôhâwasonâniwan
ê-/kâ- word
I ê-nôhâwasoyân
you (one) ê-nôhâwasoyan
s/he ê-nôhâwasot
we (but not you) ê-nôhâwasoyâhk
you and we ê-nôhâwasoyahk
you (all) ê-nôhâwasoyêk
they ê-nôhâwasocik
another/others ê-nôhâwasoyit
people ê-nôhâwasonâniwik
you (one) nôhâwaso